Thursday, August 23, 2012

GREEN LANTERN, Vol. 3, #3, August 1990


Issue begins w/ Hal walking into Kudzu City, having reconnected w/ the road. But soon, there's Guy again, following Hal, badgering him about his desire to keep his "feet on the ground". The story is titled, "Sound and Fury," a blatant William Faulkner reference (The Sound and the Fury), & as well, the "backwoods" nature of Kudzu City & later some of the yokels mention a local beauty of Kudzu City, Eula Varner, which is another Faulkner stab, to a character in his book, The Hamlet.

Anyway, Hal & Guy settle into a diner where they get into a debate over who can kick whose ass w/o using their ring - the woman behind the counter holds their rings for them - & as they "step outside" for a rumble, they become quite the spectacle for the townsmen, right there next to a Civil War monument on the square. That's when the town sheriff shows up.
Once in jail, H & G get into an argument of sorts about being a GL, as Guy doesnt appreciate Hal's wanting to give up his powers, as if he doesnt need them, when Guy has centered his whole existence, & all that is good about him, to having a GL ring. It is @ this point they remember they've left their rings in the diner. In another literary reference, when they ask the sheriff to call the diner about their rings, the sheriff is reading a copy of Jim Thompson's The Killer Inside Me. The diner doesnt have the rings.

Scene shifts to John Stewart on Oa, w/ shattered Power Battery behind w/ nutso Guardian talking crazy to J & bringing J under his control & into "mind-union" & wants to tap into J's memory so that he has access to Earth. Next we see that the Guardian is using its energy to dislodge a city from the planet Maltus, to bring it to Oa.
Scene shifts back to Kudzu City where two yokels from the diner have taken H & G's rings & are figuring out how to use them. They start goin crazy on the town & the sheriff comes after them, but they demolish the sheriff's car, etc. & scared he runs back into the jail & ends up letting Hal & Guy out. Though they are @ a disadvantage, w/o their rings, Hal is able to overcome the two rookie GLs w/ his outstanding willpower & therefore re-secure his ring, as well as Guy's.

As G & H leaving town, Guy commends Hal, & though he still doesnt understand Hal's reasoning behind wanting to distance himself from being a GL, he @ least admits to Hal that Hal is indeed the "best damned Green Lantern" he's seen & their relationship seems to be somewhat mended. Guy admits that Hal is brave, even tho an S.O.B. Hal walks off...
Writer: Gerard Jones
Penciller: Pat Broderick
Inker: Bruce Patterson
Letterer: Albert De Guzman
Colorist: Anthony Tollin
Asst. Editor: Kevin Dooley
Editor: Andy Helfer

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