Saturday, January 22, 2011

GREEN LANTERN, Vol. 2, #156, September 1982

Issue begins w/ Hal cruising through the galaxies as GL & getting a "you are our only hope" mental signal from a place nearby that looks much like Earth. This baffles Hal since Earth is a billion light years away. The title of the story is "Judas World!" Due to the surrounding star formation, Hal remembers the planet as Pharon IV, but doesnt recall it looking like Earth. Hal charges his ring, says his oath, then swoops down to check it out.

Hal nears what looks to be Ferris Aircraft ("Southern California") & is met ecstatically by old chums Carol Ferris & Thom. Something seems odd to Hal, ie. too good to be true. A tidal wave hits. Hal calms it, then probes the people to tell him who they truly are. They finally give in, but the result rocks Hal to the point of disappearing. Ends up GL was simply playing a trick, instead of "disappearing" he became Hal Jordan of Ferris Aircraft & begins snooping around.

Soon, in a hangar gathering, it is revealed that these doppelgangers are Pharoids & there is some process of world duplication going on in regard to planet Sol III (Earth). These imposters will eventually replace the real versions of themselves on Earth. They will then install equipment on Earth that allows them to send Earth crashing into Dalgova, planet of the Pharoid's aeon-long enemies. After taking this all in, Hal is detected & quickly changes into GL mode & battles the foes. He finds he has an ally in one, Trigus. Ends up Trigus was the one who sent GL the mental help signal in space as Trigus isnt keen on the use of Sol III (& its innocents) to destroy Dalgova.

Hal intervenes in the "war" as it ends up the Dalgovians were also about to attack. He tries to settle the age long conflict as the sides realize they cant even recall the reasons for their "hatred" in the first place. This ultimately brings about a peace conference of sorts. Hal flies off w/ "for to wage a war is simple, but to wage a peace is the truest test of civiled beings!"

Writer: Mike W. Barr
Guest Artist: Gil Kane
Editor: Len Wein
Letterer: Annette Kawecki
Colorist: Tony Tollin

This issue ends w/ a Green Lantern Corps story titled "The Gladiator's Apprentice". We are introduced to Portworld, a planet in Sector 6, as well as an old-timer GL stationed there named Wylxa. He takes care of some pirates on a space freighter. Ends up Wylxa has a protege named Tahr (to be the GL successor for the sector), who is causing Wylxa a bit of grief, but mainly it becomes clear that Wylxa is a bit of a task master & seems never satisfied w/ the progress of his pupil. It isnt until Wylxa begins to remember his own youth, & his own shortcomings/errors, that he is finally able to loosen the reigns on Tahr a bit.

Writer: Paul Kupperberg
Artists: Paris Cullins & Pablo Marcos
Letters: Kubert
Colors: Jerry Serpe
Editor: Dave Manak

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